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Call of the Raven Psychic Prompt Cards (price includes shipping)

Call of the Raven Psychic Prompt Cards (price includes shipping)


Now available for online purchase! Elissa created these cards for her Intuitive Development students, as a tool to trigger or "prompt" their inner intuitive knowing. Elissa believes that each of us is our own oracle and that all we need is a sign from the Universe (in this case 1 word) to prompt our intuitive flow.  This oracle deck is simple, but powerful and has garnered testimonials like "Holy cow, how did you do it?" "This deck is spot on!" to "What kind of special mojo did you put into these things to make them so accurate?" The special mojo, of course, is YOU! But...Elissa did tune in to Spirit when selecting which words to use in this 81-Card deck AND she incorporated her 20+ years of experience as a professional intuitive into the selection as well. Ok, maybe she did add a little bit o' magic, too! ;)  Included with the deck is a how-to booklet with suggested card meanings, a purple velvet pouch for storage and it comes tucked into a purple organza gift bag (because you can never have too much purple!) The booklet includes information for a free downloadable Psychic Prompt Symbols Template that you can use to formulate your OWN meanings behind each of the cards. Ready to  start tuning in for your very own "Raven Messages?" This is the deck for you! Happy intuiting!  PLEASE ALLOW 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS FOR SHIPMENT. SALES TAX ADDED FOR FLORIDA RESIDENTS. SHIPPED USPS GROUND TO USA. EMAIL FOR SHIPMENT PRICING FOR OUT OF COUNTRY PURCHASE. CURRENT PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING TO USA.

  • Shipping

    Shipping to USA only is included in price.  Product shipped within 7-10 business days of receipt of order. Shipped USPS. Email for information re: purchases outside of the USA. 


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Tampa, FL 33647 (by appt only)

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By purchasing services and/or courses or events with Elissa Wilds, you understand and agree to the following: All consultations with Elissa Wilds are for educational, spiritual and personal development purposes only. No service provided by Elissa Wilds is intended to, nor should it ever take the place of professional services including but not limited to: medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological. Elissa Wilds and Messages from Your Muse, LLC, Tea with a Medium, or any other business owned/operated by Elissa Wilds  accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on his/her consultation with Elissa Wilds separately and/or through . All artwork, products, materials, and content on this website are the sole intellectual property of Elissa Wilds and may not be shared, copied, reproduced or distributed under any circumstances. Violaters will be prosecuted. 


Privacy policy: 

Elissa Wilds, and any and all businesses owned or operated by Elissa Wilds do not store or collect your personal information. Your purchases of services or products from Elissa Wilds are held in the strictest confidence and kept 100% private. Elissa does not share or advertise client information and only testimonials offered freely and approved for use by the client are shared in any format or manner anywhere. 


Refunds: Products (Psychic Prompt and Call of the Raven Divination Cards, books, etc) which have a physical defect are happily replaced  as long as customer notifies of replacement need within 14 days of product receipt. Please email within 14 days of receipt of product to confirm request for replacement. Classes and events purchased are non-refundable but can be transferred if you notify of intent to transfer and contact information for new student/attendee within 48 hours of event/class start date (this does not include the Call of the Raven Intuitive Development Course). Intuitive and coaching service policies: 48 hours notice of cancellation: 100% refund, 24 hours notice of cancellation: 50% refund, no-show: no refund.  If you are not satisified with your intuitive or mediumship service, you must notify Elissa within  the first 10 minutes of session and the session will be ended and a refund given.


***All images and content on this website are owned by Elissa Wilds and may not  be copied or reproduced in any form without the express written consent of Elissa Wilds.*** 

©2019 ELISSA WILDS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *All images and content on this site are owned by Elissa Wilds and may not be copied or reproduced.

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