Call of the Raven Psychic Prompt Cards (price includes shipping)
Now available for online purchase! Elissa created these cards for her Intuitive Development students, as a tool to trigger or "prompt" their inner intuitive knowing. Elissa believes that each of us is our own oracle and that all we need is a sign from the Universe (in this case 1 word) to prompt our intuitive flow. This oracle deck is simple, but powerful and has garnered testimonials like "Holy cow, how did you do it?" "This deck is spot on!" to "What kind of special mojo did you put into these things to make them so accurate?" The special mojo, of course, is YOU! But...Elissa did tune in to Spirit when selecting which words to use in this 81-Card deck AND she incorporated her 20+ years of experience as a professional intuitive into the selection as well. Ok, maybe she did add a little bit o' magic, too! ;) Included with the deck is a how-to booklet with suggested card meanings, a purple velvet pouch for storage and it comes tucked into a purple organza gift bag (because you can never have too much purple!) The booklet includes information for a free downloadable Psychic Prompt Symbols Template that you can use to formulate your OWN meanings behind each of the cards. Ready to start tuning in for your very own "Raven Messages?" This is the deck for you! Happy intuiting! PLEASE ALLOW 7-10 BUSINESS DAYS FOR SHIPMENT. SALES TAX ADDED FOR FLORIDA RESIDENTS. SHIPPED USPS GROUND TO USA. EMAIL FOR SHIPMENT PRICING FOR OUT OF COUNTRY PURCHASE. CURRENT PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING TO USA.