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"Elissa offers such a valuable service with a generous heart and tremendous integrity. Florida is lucky to have her!"



Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher, Medium, TV & Radio Host,

Best-selling Hay House Author



"Elissa is the most accurate and insightful intuitive and medium I have encountered in a very long time...maybe ever."



Best-selling Author of Essential Reiki



"I’ve known Elissa both professionally and personally for almost 20 years. She is sharp and sensitive, authentic, highly creative, and just plain fun!"



Author, Feng Shui Expert

Elissa is an amazing person. She is an incredible and most accurate intuitive counselor and medium. She is also a Reiki Master and Feng Shui consultant. If you ever have the chance to have a consultation with her, it will be the first of many others. I can assure you. She is a beautiful being inside and out. Don't miss the opportunity of meeting her. Elissa, thank you for always being there when you are needed.



Owner, CEO, Gaia Spiritual Doorways



Elissa is an extremely accurate intuitive medium and is very kind and encouraging with her work.





Elissa’s connection with spirit is clear and pure. She possesses a welcoming and nurturing energy which makes her an engaging teacher, and medium. Her down-to-earth nature puts people at ease, as she seeks and inspires kindness in all.





Elissa is a brilliant mind whose intense passion and love for her work and clients is evident with which her craft flows both on and off of the page. Elissa is an incredible Wellness Coach. She rocks!



Owner, Darla-Prana Healing Center, Ontario, Canada



I first met Elissa Wilds when I embarked on my writing career and found her to be open, caring, non-judgmental, and inspiring. She is an intriguing combination of right-brained, left-brained and everything in between brained. :) She connected with my deceased mother and told me things about my mother (who had recently passed) that no one knew at the time, but was later confirmed by my father. I remain fascinated by how she balances an intense work schedule, being a mother, writing, teaching, creating, and constantly educating herself, all the while staying incredibly centered and sane. I had to know her secret! You'll want to learn it too!



Best-Selling Author



Several years ago, I happened to wander into a Metaphysical store that I never knew existed. Being unfamiliar with what they had to offer I asked what was available in the way of classes or workshops that might help me grow in my Spirituality. " I was in luck, " the owner told me.  " There is a New Intuitive Development Class beginning and you will love the teacher." She assured me that this gifted young woman, named Elissa Wilds taught an exciting class. All of her students loved her and her teaching practices.  "OKAY, "  sign me up I told her.

I found  Elissa to be warm, entertaining and very passionate about sharing her knowledge of the Spirit World with anyone who is sincere about following the Spiritual Path. I was hooked after the first class.   So, after completing this class on Psychic Development  I just knew that what I had learned from Elissa was just a drop in the bucket compared to what else she could teach me.  I could not wait to see what else she had up her sleeve that she was going to share with me!

I was not disappointed!  OFF we went to the world of Mediumship!  I was sure this was definitely above and beyond anything I was capable of achieving.  I was sure that Elissa had more confidence in me than I had in myself.  But she never gave up.  If I didn't get it right away, she would try a different approach until I finally understood what she was trying to get me to accomplish - sometimes not an easy task.  She will work you hard, but she has the patience of a saint and will never give up as long as you don't.  She is generous with both her time and knowledge, always sharing everything that she learns and experiences.

Always following her passion and expanding her knowledge and experiences of the Spirit World.  Always more to learn. Never teaching the same thing over and over.  Always instilling a sense of wanting to know and do more. Thank You for being so generous with your knowledge and time.  Most of all for NEVER giving up on your students with your huge supply of patience!

I look forward to what is around the corner for us to discover together!





Elissa has been a mentor to me over the last few years, sometimes during very turbulent times of my life. Her guidance and wisdom have been transformative and have given me greater insight into me in terms of my relationships with other people, finances, as well as my spiritual well being. She has been a compass in my personal journey to becoming a better and healthier version of myself and I couldn't be more grateful.





When I had my first reading with Elissa, I had no idea my life was going to change for the better. She was able to see in me the traits that I didn't know I had and has guided me in the right direction ever since. She has taught me Reiki, helped me develop my psychic abilities and helped me tap into my mediumship skills. I find the experience of meeting Elissa as once in a lifetime!





Elissa is simply amazing! Her kind, gentle nature and humorous, quick-witted personality will put you at ease. Whether you are a skeptic or long-time believer, Elissa will blow your mind with her abilities as an intuitive and medium. If you are looking for someone to help grow your own abilities, Elissa is a patient teacher who is able to adapt to any learning style. Each class will leave you in awe of not only the material that was taught but how she was able to help you realize your own skills. She is such a gift!





Elissa, in one word, is AMAZING!! My first encounter with Elissa was as the friend of a mutual friend. Without knowing anything about my situation, she identified a woman by name who had passed and needed to get a message to my husband's cousin.  Unbeknownst to her, my husband’s Aunt had passed a couple of years prior and she stated that there was an important message to get to my husband’s cousin (who by the way was her goddaughter). The message made complete sense. I knew the people involved and I immediately called my husband’s cousin and relayed the message. His cousin was both grateful and appreciative as to some things that had been going on in her life at the time.


I admired and respected her talent and could see the energy that it takes for her to “connect.” A few years later I had a visitor in my home. He was a very close friend that had passed a few days prior. He would “pop-up” and tell me things that his surviving brother needed to know. I cannot find the proper words to describe a feeling of questioning one's sanity that could be strong enough to describe what I was going through. While all his information, down to where his wedding ring was, and the date of his actual death, and where important papers were all came to fruition, I still questioned my sanity. I mean, when dead people show up and starting talking to you, how do you go around and tell others without sounding insane?

I contacted Elissa and she calmed me down in a way that only she could. She suggested that I attend a class she was teaching. I did. It was one of the best and most healing times of my life. Elissa is a welcoming, positive, warm, passionate and fun instructor. She shares her knowledge and experiences freely. She puts a huge effort into making sure that the students understand the materials. She welcomes questions, entertains ideas, and garners information from multiple resources to share with her class. Because of her help, I was able to have a better understanding of myself, the worlds around me, and the ability to open myself to messages as well as close myself to messages when I need to. I mean, do you really want someone to “pop-up” when you are in the restroom? :) I don’t! Elissa is a lifesaver. Elissa is priceless. Any interactions that you are fortunate to have with her are sure to change your life for the better.





Elissa's Call of the Raven Psychic Development course is beyond amazing! The course is very thorough giving you steps to help you grow and build more confidence in ways no other spiritual teacher/development course has. Awesome and fun! I am extremely grateful for taking this course and look forward to taking other courses that Elissa Wilds will have.



Professional Intuitive, Intuitive Healer

Owner, Milagros Wellness Sanctuary



The Call of the Raven Intuitive Development Course is one of the most thorough and well supported courses I have ever experienced. Elissa Wilds is an amazing teacher and gifted medium. She is able to teach in person and online with clear explanations that anyone can follow, allowing one to truly tap into their intuitive self. Elissa gives you wonderful gifts of many tools to awaken your inner mystic. Great webinars, and online chats. Everything about this course is professional and full of integrity. The Call of the Raven Intuitive Development course is worth your time and effort. I truly recommend this course to anyone and everyone who wants to grow that inner knowing. And before you know it, you will already know!





I initially met Elissa while looking for a Reiki Master to study under (she’s AMAZING with Reiki, by the way!)  I found that I greatly enjoyed Elissa’s relaxed yet informative teaching style and wanted to learn more from her. I found her group Intuitive Development class and signed up with a little hesitation. Little did I know that I would be embarking on a journey that would open me to (literally) a whole new dimension in my life. As time for the first class approached, my confidence in taking this type of class wavered. Finally, I decided that I would try one class, and if it wasn’t for me that I would just gracefully bow out (ok, HIDE) from any latent intuitive gifts that I may possess. It’s now almost 2 years later. I’ve taken more classes with Elissa that I can count. She creates a caring and safe environment that eases you to feel free to explore and hone your psychic skills. Her knowledge base of her craft and ability to impart her knowledge in a manner that empowers the student is second to none.  I realized that my last minute fear in attending that first class was fear of failure. I have had my share of “misses” in her classes, but Elissa never lets me (or any of her students) feel like a failure. Even a “miss” is a learning experience. That is one of the many lessons that I have taken with me into my every day life. I cannot be more grateful. I am proud to call Elissa both my mentor and my friend. 





Elissa takes psychic development to whole new levels through her use of technology, format, relevance, and usefulness to the participant.    She can unleash the psychic in you!  I applaud her talent and her teaching skills!



Attorney, Teacher



I am a busy mother of three and didn’t think that I would be able to handle the Call of the Raven Intuitive Development course, but I was proven wrong.  I had all the tools available online and via mail!! I was taught many different avenues to reach my spiritual potential.  I loved it!! I felt no pressure, took my time and actually surprised myself in this process.  I have everything I need to continue my journey and feel confident with the tools and techniques I learned.  I highly recommend this course to further your journey or even if you're just beginning.





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8913 Regents Park Drive

Suite 670

Tampa, FL 33647 (by appt only)

Phone and Zoom appts also available



PAYPAL Also Accepted

D I S C L A I M E R:


By purchasing services and/or courses or events with Elissa Wilds, you understand and agree to the following: All consultations with Elissa Wilds are for educational, spiritual and personal development purposes only. No service provided by Elissa Wilds is intended to, nor should it ever take the place of professional services including but not limited to: medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological. Elissa Wilds and Messages from Your Muse, LLC, Tea with a Medium, or any other business owned/operated by Elissa Wilds  accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on his/her consultation with Elissa Wilds separately and/or through . All artwork, products, materials, and content on this website are the sole intellectual property of Elissa Wilds and may not be shared, copied, reproduced or distributed under any circumstances. Violaters will be prosecuted. 


Privacy policy: 

Elissa Wilds, and any and all businesses owned or operated by Elissa Wilds do not store or collect your personal information. Your purchases of services or products from Elissa Wilds are held in the strictest confidence and kept 100% private. Elissa does not share or advertise client information and only testimonials offered freely and approved for use by the client are shared in any format or manner anywhere. 


Refunds: Products (Psychic Prompt and Call of the Raven Divination Cards, books, etc) which have a physical defect are happily replaced  as long as customer notifies of replacement need within 14 days of product receipt. Please email within 14 days of receipt of product to confirm request for replacement. Classes and events purchased are non-refundable but can be transferred if you notify of intent to transfer and contact information for new student/attendee within 48 hours of event/class start date (this does not include the Call of the Raven Intuitive Development Course). Intuitive and coaching service policies: 48 hours notice of cancellation: 100% refund, 24 hours notice of cancellation: 50% refund, no-show: no refund.  If you are not satisified with your intuitive or mediumship service, you must notify Elissa within  the first 10 minutes of session and the session will be ended and a refund given.


***All images and content on this website are owned by Elissa Wilds and may not  be copied or reproduced in any form without the express written consent of Elissa Wilds.*** 

©2019 ELISSA WILDS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. *All images and content on this site are owned by Elissa Wilds and may not be copied or reproduced.

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